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For s.t. to be immersed.
Da'a kew pabasag ngandi'ikan papan iyan duk ga'i palegleb dem pisak.
Don’t step so hard on those planks so that they won’t be immersed in the mud.
N- -an, mag-
To immerse s.t.
Leglebanne galunnen pegge' ga' niya' pangindukne.
He immersed his gallon container because there was no dipper.
Da'a kew maglegleb dinekdakan dem kupung duk ga'i bewu sabun.
Don’t immerse the laundry in the well so that it won’t smell of soap.
Niya' ngelegleban papanin dem pisak.
Someone immersed the boards in mud.
Da'a ku leglebanun si bissā.
Don’t immerse (drown) me in speech. (Meaning: don’t think you can try to get the better of me with your fluency and eloquence.)
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