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pa-, mag-
To move or shift (to another piece of work).
We'ey kew palatun pitu bu ga' pe ubus si ka'uhin.
Why do you shift to here and what’s more you haven’t finished your (work) yet.
Maglatun siye pegge' ubus ne si siyehin.
They moved over (to another place of work) because they finished theirs (weeding).
To go from one to another (experience or person).
Dende iyan luwal maglatun-latun lella.
That woman goes from one man to another.
Maglatun-latun kasusehanden.
They go from one trouble to another.
N-, mag- -in- redup. (recip.)
To help s.o. (often with s.o. else’s work).
Pitu ku ngalatun ka'u.
I have come to help you.
Maglatun-ilatun sa' kite bi bang niya' ne ubus dehellu.
We will help each other if one finishes earlier (than the other).
Latunun sa' ku bang ubus kinellunun dehellu.
Help me if you finish your weeding first.
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