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pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
-um-, Cew-
To slip (as on a slippery surface).
Bakas koso'anku harenin, ubus bu lumarus ku.
I washed the stairs, then I slipped.
Bakas ku mana'ik kayu, palarus bettiskun, arak ku labo'.
I climbed a tree; my foot slipped, (and) I almost fell.
Bang ku padurul amban diyata' punu maglarusan kābewkun pegge' lareg.
When I go down from the mountain my carabao keeps slipping because it is slippery.
Lewlarus kābewkun.
My carabao keeps slipping.
To extend an action into a different area.
Tiya' ku ngalarus kinellu saliku.
I will extend my weeding to (the field of) my younger sibling (and weed there).
Bang kew maglampasu lu'u si luwasan larusun ne dem bilikkun.
When you polish (the floor) there outside, extend it (your polishing) here into my room.
To extend or be extended (of time only).
Pa'inne lengngan de ellew du iye, ine kew palarus de simana.
She said she was going for one day, and wouldn’t you know it, it extended to one week.
Hinangne de ellewin palarus ampat bahangi.
Her work for one day extended into four days.
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