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To include s.o. or s.t. (often as in a quarrel or fight).
Bisan ka'am magsasa' da'a ka'am ngalapey sawe'bi.
Even if you fight, don’t include your companion.
Bang pahidannu lamenun lapeyun ne isab lamekun mahidan.
When you sweep your yard include my yard in (your) sweeping.
(pa)batuk sakup 2
To encroach, trespass, intrude, infringe.
Bang niya' sawe'te magteppil bulak ubus bu kite magsorok lahing bu ngeddo' kite lahingnen, palapey du kite.
If our companion has land bordering on ours and we go there and cut coconuts and get the nuts, we encroach.
Bang iye pagani palapey iye si tana' sawe'ne.
When he harvests rice, he encroaches on the field of his companion.
N-, mag-
To take or get s.t. without permission; snitch.
A'a iyan ngalapey jambangan sawe'ne.
That person gets the plants of his companion without permission.
Lapeyne tinanem sawe'ne bu kata'uhanne duma'in si iye.
He takes what his companion had planted and what’s more he knows that it is not his.
Maglapey pe siye bu sali' du siye niya'.
They take (things) from each other and what’s more both of them have (enough).
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