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N-, mag- (recip.)
To see s.t.
Kiteku ensini' si Dende palabey.
I saw Dende pass by earlier.
Ga' ku bakas ngite sā miya'an.
I haven’t seen anything like that.
Magkite kami di'ilew la'i si tabu'.
We saw each other yesterday at the market.
N- (+redup.), mag- (recip.)
To show s.t. to s.o.
Pakitehanku iye badju'ku ba'ahuhin.
I showed her my new blouse.
Da'a ne kite magpakite sinsim pegge' sali' du niya' si kite.
Let us not show each other (our) rings because we both have one.
A'a iyan bang niya' tabelline ba'ahu basag iye makite-makite.
When that person has bought something new he always shows it.
To appear, to show oneself.
Pakite si aku koko' diyata' nunukin.
An unseen being appeared to me on the balete tree.
La'i du a'a pinihakun si tabu'an saguwa' ga' pakite si aku.
The person I was looking for was at the market but he did not show himself to me.
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