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pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
To turn (towards or away) from s.t., to change the direction (one is facing).
Da'a kew luwal magkisalan.
Don’t keep turning.
Pakisal kew harap pitu.
Turn this way.
N-, mag-
To turn s.t. (so it faces a slightly different direction).
Pakisalun lamisahan iyan.
Turn that table.
Gey takole'ku luma' iyan ngisal dendangan.
I am not able to turn that house by myself.
Makatabang ku si iye magkisal lamisahan.
I asked him to help turn the table.
To have a change of heart or mind.
Bang ku lumengngan, bang ga'i du kisal pamikilkun, ga'i ku hap luma' mura.
When I go somewhere, and if my mind doesn’t change, I will not soon go home.
To bring about change (in the heart or mind).
A'a iyan, ga' niya' pikilanne hāp bang ga'i kisal Tuhanin dem ateynen.
That person has no good thought if God does not bring about change in his heart.
Kinisal we' Tuhan dem ateynen.
God brought about change in his heart.
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