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A very short moment; twinkling (of an eye, the time it takes); in a flash.
De kidjap du patu'une ensini'in.
He was here earlier only for a very short moment.
Lakkesne magubasin de kidjap mata du.
The speed of his running is like the twinkling of an eye.
De kidjap du iyan bang hininang.
It takes only a brief moment to do that.
(Not) to be able to see s.t. (that was there just a minute before).
Always together with a negative.
Nakanak iyan ga' takidjapku bang tungan.
That child, I didn’t see where he went.
Da'a luwal bo'o-bo'ohun oro'ku iyan, ga'i ne isab iyan takidjap bang tungan.
Don’t always take that knife of mine; one can’t see anymore where it went to.
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