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Prescribed direction (for houses, mosques, when worshiping, of dead people).
The right direction for people worshiping is facing Mecca. The head of laid out corpses should also point to Mecca. For houses the kōkan i.e. the long side wall opposite the door is supposed to face either west or south.
Ga' tumewwa' kiblat langgal iyan.
The direction of that mosque is not correct.
pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
For s.t. to be situated in a diagonal line to the prescribed direction of a house (of houses and people lying down).
Nakanak iyan bang tuli luwal magkiblatan.
When that child sleeps he always lies diagonal to the sides of the house.
Iyu' luma' iyan pakiblat.
That house is diagonal to the prescribed direction.
To place s.t. in the prescribed direction.
Pakiblatun a'a matey iyan.
Place the dead person in the prescribed direction.
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