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A particle or broken off piece of s.t., fragment, crumb (as of a stone, cake, rice mound).
Kakanku keppe bāng-bāngin.
I eat the crumbs of the cookies.
Tibagku iye duk keppe batu.
I threw fragments of stone at him.
kew ngeddo' keppe batu miya'an panibagte asu.
Go and fetch that piece of stone; we will throw it at the dog.
For s.t. to be fragmented, broken up, broken off.
Keppe sementohin pegge' tinumbuk we' ku duk batu.
The concrete is fragmented because I threw a stone on it.
Keppe ne pinta lime hatuskun pamelliku sinelas.
My five hundred peso note was broken up when I bought slippers.
N-, mag-
To fragment s.t., break up s.t., break (a piece) off s.t.; to break s.t. into pieces.
Magkeppe batu a'a miya'an.
That person breaks up stones.
Kineppe we' ne semento luma'nen pegge' ginenti'an papan.
He is breaking up the concrete of his house because he is exchanging it with boards.
Bakas ku ngeppe jānun.
I fragmented your rice cakes.
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