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A small ditch (beside the road or house for water to drain off); a channel (diverted stream); groove (made in a piece of wood in carpentry).
Hinanganun kanal si higad kalsara iyan duk gey palabey bohe'in amban diyata' kalsara.
Make a ditch at the side of that road so that the water will not flow on the road.
Hinanganne kanal bohe'in tudju si basakanne.
He digs a channel for water towards his wet rice fields.
The groove of this board is deep.
N-(-an), mag-
To dig or make a ditch or channel; to make a groove in wood.
Tabanganun ku nganalan higad kalsara miya'an.
Help me to make a ditch at the edge of that road.
Kanalanne higad luma'nen duk ga'i diyawa' luma' bohe'in.
He makes a ditch at the edge of his house so that the water does not run under the house.
Magkanal kaha tendewan iye.
He is making a groove in the casing of the window.
Ta'u iye nganal papan hinang dinding.
He knows how to make grooves in boards to make a wall.
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