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N- -an, mag-
To prop up s.t. (in order to make it level, or to reach s.t.); to raise s.t. (by placing s.t. underneath).
Not used for jeeps when stopped from rolling backwards by a stone, or of a book being propped up.
Batuganun lamisahanin duk ga'i magusa'an.
Prop up the table so it doesn’t move.
Niya' ne matugan bangku' inin hangkan du ga' linggang.
Someone propped up this bench, that’s why it isn’t wiggling.
A step stool, a support (used to heighten the position of s.t.).
Ngeddo' kew bangku' hinangnu batugan duk ta'abutnu ineddo'nun.
Get a chair to use as a step stool so that you can reach what you are fetching.
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