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N- -an, mag-
To pull s.t. (attached to a rope in horizontal or vertical direction, removing it from its place).
Balutanun ne kābewin amban dem luglubanne iyan.
Pull the carabao out of his wallow.
Aku ne malutan kābewin.
I am the one to pull the carabao.
Tabanganun ku magbalut paraka'.
Help me to pull up the basket.
To pull s.t. (to one side without moving it - much or any - from its original place).
Tabanganku siye magbalut ingket.
I help them to pull the rope.
Balutun kayu iyan tudju , duk gey hebba' tudju piyu si luma'.
Pull that tree towards that side, so it won’t fall towards the house.
To cling to s.t.; to hang on to s.t.
Bang ku kuwat subey ku malut diyata' dinding.
When I get up I have to pull (myself) up on the wall.
kaput 2
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