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Men, titles, etc., occupations 14.2

a'a Person; people.
a'a liyu-liyu A person from a different place; a foreigner; outsider; stranger.
a'a (a'a ga'i takiter) Unseen being.
alim A person gifted with second sight; a seer.
Almasi The Messiah, Christ (the title given to Jesus signifying him to be the promised one from God).
ambuwinang A servant of a sultan.
amu Patron; master; boss.
anak-apu' Members of a congregation.
awliya' Certain very devout, wise men or women with special powers; a hermit; an ascetic.
bakla' Homosexual male; a person who is acting in an effeminate way.
bagellal An official; a titled one.
bahi'1 2 An elder, a position in the community or mosque.
balbero A barber.
batalyon Battalion.
bilal Assistant (in the mosque, lowest grade).
kalgarul Porter, stevedore (any person that carries cargo as his job).
kalpentero Carpenter.
kapatas Foreman (in a work crew).
kāpil Unbeliever; a Visayan; any non-Muslim.
kapitan Captain (military rank or highest officer on a ship).
Kastila' Spanish; Spaniard.
katoliko Catholic.
kelnel Colonel (military rank).
kondaktol Conductor, collector of fares (in a public conveyance).
kumpaniya 2 Company (a body of soldiers); a unit (as of infantry).
kunsihal Counselor (in a municipality or a district thereof).
datu' Chief; headman; datu (a rank bestowed on certain people).
dayang-dayang Princess, daughter of a datu or sultan.
doktol Doctor, medical doctor, physician.
ewliya' Certain very devout, wise men or women with special powers; a hermit; an ascetic.
eymulla Bless him; may he rest in peace; the late ... (Expression used with the name of a deceased person.)
gapi' Assistant; a helper; s.o. taking one’s side in a fight.
gellal A title of rank; new name after pilgrimage.
gubelno 1 Government.
gubelno 2 Governor.
gubnul Governor.
guru Teacher (of religious matter or karate).
guwaldiya A guard, watchman.
hadji' Hajji, hadji (a person who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca).
Hapun Japanese; Japan.
hatib An official position in the mosque.
huwis Judge (in a government court).
Ilanun Ilanun (Iranon) people.
imam Imam, leader of a Muslim congregation.
īpun Follower, adherent.
Isa Almasi Jesus Christ.
Ispanyul Spanish; Spaniard.
istudiyante Student (in a secular school).
jama'a A visitor (from another congregation for a religious occasion).
jeneral General (military rank).
landungan A shaman (a person who has a familiar spirit).
liyu2 a'a liyu-liyu A stranger, outsider, foreigner.
liyutenan Lieutenant (military rank).
luwa'an Bajaw, Sama people (living on boats), Sea Gypsies.
mahadja A title of rank (from Indian maharajah).
mahluk People, human beings (used only of many people).
Malayu Malayan people of Malaysia; Malay language.
malim A guide, one who leads and directs.
Mam Madam, Mrs. (respectful term for older women or women with authority).
manusiya' Mankind; human race; human being; people.
mastal Teacher (in a secular school).
Merikanu A Caucasian, a white person.
muklu' Bandit; outlaw.
mulid A pupil; student (esp.of one studying the Qur’an or in a Qur’an school madrasa).
mundu Bandit, outlaw.
Muslim Muslim, Moslem, an adherent of Islam.
nabi Prophet.
nars A nurse, a paramedic.
pakil A learned person (s.o.who knows how to read the Qur’an and to sing the mawulud).
pagkasi One’s fellow, peer; a person of the same group.
pandey 2 Midwife; mortician, undertaker (a person who prepares a body for burial).
pandu' A leader, guide (one who leads in an activity or leads the way).
panglima A title (for a person who knows to judge minor cases).
pari' Catholic priest; a nun (if specified as female).
parinta Government.
pililitu A person who trades as an occupation; trader.
pilisu Prisoner.
puntu Card players (other than the one dealing).
salip A hereditary title (given to someone who claims descent from Prophet Muhammad).
Sama2 Sama people, an ethnic group in the southern Philippines.
sattre Tailor, dressmaker.
sawe' A companion, associate, fellow, partner, spouse, any person one knows.
sekuriti Security guard.
sibilyan Civilian.
Sina' China, Chinese.
sitti Title for revered women.
Sūk Jolo (an island in the Sulu sea). Tausug people and their language.
suki'1 A regular seller or customer.
sultan A king or sovereign (esp. of a Muslim state).
sundalu Soldier.
tabib Healer, practitioner (medical), specialist (a person knowledgeable in herbal medicine and magical formulas and incantations).
ta'usamaya A small person; a dwarf.
tindeg Adherent, follower, retinue or attendant (of an important personage); someone under the care of another person (as a relative, friend, companion).
tininti Lieutenant (military rank).
tirinis Trainees (some half-trained military forces during World War II).
tomboy A female who acts like a male; a homosexual female, lesbian.
Tuwan Term of address for a respected men; sir.
ulama' A scholar in Islam, an authority on Muslim religion and laws.
ummat People of God (as his created beings); people of a religious community; Muslim community.
unsa A bisexual.
ustad A teacher in the Qur’an school.
uwangkaya' The title of an official in the mosque; an elder who helps judge cases.
Yakan Yakan.
Yahudi A Jew.
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