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Skin 12.2

bakatew Sores (a rare type of skin eruption).
bebbag Bruised.
budjul Raised spot (on a surface); lump (such as a small raised area).
bulan2 To have a boil or blister.
buruk Sores (small, esp. on the scalp).
busul Raised spot (on a surface); lump (such as a small raised area).
butig Growth (on skin).
katel 1 Sores, infected places (generic).
keggang Scab (on a sore).
kengkoma' Impetigo (name of a spreading infection); small sores.
keybubut A boil; an abcess.
koled A scratch (slightly inflamed and red).
koles A scratch or line (on skin etc.).
korong An itchy rash (behind or on the outer ear).
kuman Scabies bug, a parasitic mite.
dugsal A big sore; tropical ulcer.
dugsul A sore, big; tropical ulcer.
ettus Chicken pox; skin eruptions like blisters; pustules.
hudjap A skin eruption, blister.
hudjap (hudjap sawer) Shingles; herpes zoster.
ikat-ikat An abscess or large boil.
langkus To come off (of skin).
langgad To be abraded, grazed, injured (by rubbing or hitting of skin on another surface).
leklap A skin disease; double skin.
messang Tiny hairs (of certain plants that cause an itch on the skin).
nana' Pus.
pali' To leave a scar.
panyakit A kind of sore.
pintul A raised red spot on skin.
sagu Watery discharge (from sores).
semuwa' Pimple (esp. in the face), acne.
suplit A sore that develops from a burn, splinter or small wound.
tengkekel A wart.
tuttukan Callus on forehead (from frequent worshiping).
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