The addition to make up the full amount or something.
Nayonan so anawob na tan mapno.
Add its addition so it will be full.
Papiraw anawob na tan makabāyad ako?
How much is its addition so I am able to pay (my debt)?
Someone (mang-) adds to, increases the amount to something (-an) to make it sufficient.
-an anawban
Anawban mos bago karga mwaya.
Add the pigs to your cargo to make it sufficient.
Something added or given (ma-, cha-) is enough, sufficient.
No āgas, manawob aba manoroh so ayit an dyi ka koman.
Medicine is not enough to give strength unless you eat.
Chanawob ko intoroh mwaya.
What you gave is sufficient for me.