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The last of things more or less in a row; of things or activities involved over a period of time; the last portion of mass objects, as the last of the food, rice, water.
Activities designated as last are expressed as nouns: ba'i, ritual prayer; bogay, transplanting season; kanta, song; hu'lay, spading; pi'pi', dike repair; uma, making an upland field.
For someone (agent muɴ-) to let someone, something, an event (theme i-) be last, as described above; to finally do something (theme i-).
Occurs as part of a verb chain, see sec. 7.19.
For someone (agent muɴ-; s agent maN-) to finish up an irregularly occurring activity (theme -on) almost completed, as a song, ritual prayer, harvesting; an object involved in an irregular occurring activity almost completed, as a roof in thatching, a stone wall in building, a supply of rice in getting it.
The grammatical distribution of this verb form is the same as that described for amin 1. For a description of irregularly occurring activities see amin 1.
Inunghiwda din bābuy Amāwan an imbā'i.
They took the last of Amāwan's pig in sacrificing.
For someone or something (actor -um- & inst) to deplete a supply of something (patient -on), as for a lizard to deplete a flock of chickens; rats, crops; people, a supply of rice; fire, a stack of firewood.
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