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Rich-people harvest day, following the general-harvest initiation day, dūpag 1.
On this day only rich people, or poorer people with several fields, but not with sufficient wealth in general to be considered rich, are expected to harvest. Poor people with only a few fields wait until the following day when general harvesting begins, ma'lob. This practice, like all mores, is controlled by shame, bāin. It would be `shameful' for a poor person to harvest on rich-people harvest day.
dūpag 2 udol 1
For a rich person (agent -um-; s agent maN-) to add a second-harvest day (theme i-) as the rich-people harvest day to the general harvest initiation day, dūpag, (loc ref -an), as described above.
Hi mā'et ya ulnūban da Alanghābon ay Uddāpon ti adadangyanda.
Tomorrow Alanghābon and Uddāpon will add as rich-people harvest day to (the general harvest initiation day) because they are rich.
Ulnūbanday dūpag.
They will add to the general harvest initiation day as rich-people harvest day.
āla 2 boto' 2b udol 2
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