The work of transplanting rice seedlings in a flooded pond field.
Hay bogay ya tāmun di binabāi.
As for transplanting rice seedlings, it is the work of women.
For someone (agent muɴ-, -um-; s agent maN-) to transplant a flooded pond field (loc ref -an) with rice seedlings (theme i-).
mamogay; bumgay; ebgay; mamgay; enebgay
Ebgayda nan pāguy hi mā'et hi payaw Alanghābon.
They will transplant rice tomorrow in Alanghābon's field.
Ebgay: focus is on rice seedlings; by ellipsis it is also on a pond field;
Ebgayda nan payaw Alanghābon hi mā'et.
They will transplant (rice seedlings in) Alanghābon's pond field tomorrow.
Bogayan: focus is on a pond field.
-um-: bumgay; -i-: ebgay; -iɴ-: enebgay