Only; all; alone; i.e., no more.
1) Co-occurrence restrictions: anggay may be followed by a demonstrative pronoun hete `this', hede `that' (far), hene `that' (near hearer), date, hātu, datu `these', dade, hādi, dadi `those' (far), dane, hāna, dana `those' (near hearer).
Anggay hene hi manu' Dulīmay.
That is Dulīmay's only chicken.
Anggay may follow a demonstrative pronoun listed above preceded by ya, with no change in meaning; e.g., hete ya anggay `this only'. Anggayna may be followed by demonstrative pronouns: -tu, anggaynatu `only this', `these', `this is all'; -di, anggaynadi `only that', `those', `that is all' (far); -na, anggaynana `only that', `those', `that is all' (indefinite time and location); e.g., only that was done/remains that was all there was, nothing remains.
Anggaynadi han gabūtan nan binabāi ti damūna.
What the women weeded was only (that amount) because (the area) is wide.
Both anggay and anggayna may be followed by either a topic pronoun -a' `I', -'a `you', etc., by a full pronoun ha''in `I', he''a `you', etc., or by a noun (phrase).
Anggāya' an nanginnīlan mangitāyaw hi tāyaw di bā'i.
I alone know how to dance the dance of the religious ritual.
Anggayna he''a hi middum an muntāmu.
You will be alone in joining the work.
Anggay nan binabāi hi nala'eng an munggābut.
The women are alone in being expert in weeding.
Anggay may follow a noun preceded by ya as a modified noun phrase.
Nan binabāi ya anggay.
Only the women.
2) Distribution; a) Both anggay and anggayna occur as sentence comments with a co-occurring sentence constitutent as topic.
Anggay hādi hi lengngohmin āyiw ad ugga.
Those are all that we cut down of the trees yesterday.
Anggaynanah adyōga' ti napuh.
That is all of my singing because it is ended;
b) anggay and anggayna as first constituent of a phrase modify either a demonstrative pronoun or full pronoun (see above) or a noun (phrase):
Anggay hi Aligūyun di tinnig'u hi mangāyiw ad ugga.
The one whom I saw getting firewood yesterday was only Aligūyun.
Anggay may occur as a phrase constituent following ya (with no change of meaning):
Din manu' Dulīmay ya anggay di innal'u.
What I got was only Dulīmay's chicken.
When a co-occurring constituent is sentence comment, anggay may optionally occur following the sentence topic (with no change in meaning).
Da'yuy tinnigmi +ya +anggay.
The ones we saw were you(pl) only.