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What?; When?; Where?; Who?
Indicates an interrogative statement; the particular English pronoun is understood by the context. The interrogative pronoun occurs as a sentence comment.
Angnganggoh di pohdom hi onom?
What do you want to eat?
Anggoh di pangete''antan mangūma?
When will we begin to make an upland field?
Goh han nalpuwam?
Where did you come from?
Goh han pangngala' hi ingīna' hi ononmi?
Where will I get what I can use to buy our food?
Anganggoh din ni'yibbam an nuntāmud uggah payaw?
Who was your companion who worked in the pond field yesterday?
Why is it?
This interrogative is followed by either ta or ya and a statement sentence.
Nganggoh ya innalmu nan wāhay'u ya agguymu imbaga?
Why is it that you got my axe and you didn't ask (me) for it?
Goh nin ta na'āmungda hi dolan Aligūyun? Undan way nahapītonda?
Why is it I wonder that they have gathered at Aligūyun's house? Do they have something they are talking over?
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