Sense 1
English. Shoots s.t. or s.o. with a gun of any kind.
English. A firearm.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kanugdiin dekagu minimbak ditu Gendi'puyan, mikelaamu babuy talun, misugat di gilek, mitigbak gupia.
English. A few years ago when I went hunting with a rifle up the Gendi'puyan River, I got a wild boar, he was hit just under the foreleg
and died on the spot.
Synonym. pusil; sinapang
Sense 2
English. Speaks directly, without double talk; points to s.o. directly without double talk or other hesitation.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Si Uan kiin, iini tinimbak nug libun kiin tendu'ay, pu' iin dawi mikesaba' dun.
English. What's-his-name was the one the woman pointed out directly as having been who did it.
Synonym. belat palad; betang 3; lakted; lektes; luksad 2; tena'; untul
Generic. talu'