Sense 1
English. Kicks s.t., deliberately or accidentally.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Muka' pisempelanen sug batang, dayunen sipa'ay. Bena' sinipa'en, mibekla' dayun su gayu, maa' gupia pekebagel nu tinalu'en.
English. And he went over to the log and kicked it. When he kicked it, it broke in two, as big as he had said (it would).
Example sentence:
Subanen. Misekati kenukuu, kali'u mesipa' ig batu.
English. My toenail came off when I happened to kick a rock.
Sense 2
English. Plays a game wherein a woven rattan ball up to 20 cm. in dia. is kicked with one's ankle, or any body part excluding hands
and wrists, to keep it suspended in air for as long as possible. Variations may involve kicking it over a very high line.
English. Loosely woven rattan ball used in the sipa' game.