English. Of a child, experiences shaking convulsions associated with a high fever. (If this condition becomes chronic and continues
into adulthood, it is called bebuyen and is believed to involve demon possession.)
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kalabung sug bata' ni Dadia, minamal meksedil. Buat siselem sampay palis nai gendaw, nda' gusay mesikpa'.
English. Yesterday Daria's child kept having convulsions. From early morning until afternoon, she didn't stop.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ki gembata', sa' melebian mbagai panasen, iin dayuni sumedil dun, pu' su guteken, ndi' mekegaga di mainit.
English. When a child's fever is like hot coals, that's what causes chills, because his brain can't stand the heat.
c.f. babuy
Generic. ladu