English. Goes completely around s.t., encircles or surrounds.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Miglibed ami mpanaw.
English. We went all around (on a bus).
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su gubian ta, milibedu na pegbauyay.
English. As for our sweet potato patch, I have already fence it around.
Synonym. libut; lidung; sabed; sibed 1; tabu'
English. A bird, probably the velvet-fronted nuthatch,
Scientific name. Sitta frontalis
Example sentence:
Subanen. Kig belibed, kaas iini piningalan nami dun, pu' mialap di penggulaulanen, meliag mengulibed di gilid gayu.
English. The reason the belibed bird is called that is taken from its actions: it likes to go around and around a tree trunk (when climbing up it).
Generic. bulatuk