English. Talks about s.o., asks about, expresses opinion about, mentions.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Ndi' mu pegdena'ay ig duma mu sa' medapal, pu' mpiid dun.
English. Don't mention that your friend stumbled, because he will be embarrassed.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Pigdena'u sug baalenen.
English. I asked him what he was doing.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Su getaw di gulangan, pegdena'en ita niin sa' ndi' pa'aanen.
English. Forest spirits will cause harm to happen to us if we don"t give them an offering.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Iin sigudui pigdena'an ni Indang.
English. She is probably the one Indang mentioned.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' duuni maita' mu ditu mesebu'an ka dun, ndi' mu dena'ay, sila'en ka niin.
English. If you see someone there whom you wonder about, don't talk about him, or he will put a curse on you.
Cultural Note. When a spirit being is the agent of the verb, it implies that in addition to one's being commented on, harm comes to her or
Synonym. bensi
Generic. talu'