Sense 1
English. Stops an activity, now used primarily to mean watches small children; i.e stops their crying; baby-sits, sings to; gen. for
being with for small children.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Belang laung di gebitebitan ta, naan lai, megbuat pau.
English. Please, let's stop talking now, I've got to go out.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' mengimbaal ami, subay meglimbus ami, pu' nda'iduni megbelang nami.
English. When we work, we have to take turns, for we have no baby-sitter.
In group with: lilang; ulid
Sense 2
English. Knows how to jump, that stage of development when a baby can jump up and down on s.o.'s lap with help.
Synonym. talek
Generic. bata'
Idiom: belangbelang di ginaa
English. Comforts the bereaved.