English. Comes out, goes out, leaves s.w., removes s.t.; ge. for all kinds of removal.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Sa' mengekdak, subay kusutan, adun megela' mawa' su gdengmangen.
English. When one washes clothes, one must rub them between one's hands, so all the stains will come out.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Awa'a diin, ndi'a peksamuk.
English. Go away from over there, don't make trouble.
Example sentence:
Subanen. Megawa' na ilan dini.
English. They are moving away from here.
In group with: awas; awen; dilak; ekup; gua'; kawas; langkat; limas; luas; pukas; siig; unga'; utid
see. mua'an
Idiom: mua'an ginaa
English. Of a person, faints.
c.f. getus
In group with: ginaa