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A kind of vine.
The sap of the root is used for stunning fish. The roots are pounded and twisted to make the sap come out. Either the sap or the smashed root is placed in the water. The fish become stunned and are easily caught. The vine is found in secondary growth forest. Sometimes it is planted in order to get the sap easily. An old vine may be about 5 cm in diameter.
Bakas ku tanem tuwe.
I have planted a tuwe-vine.
N-, mag-
To get or use tuwe-vine.
Magtuwe ku sumu. (Kajari magtuwe kenna atawa magpiha tuwe.)
I will get tuwe (or use tuwe) tomorrow. (It can mean I will catch fish by stunning them with tuwe or: I will look for the tuwe-vine.)
Niya' bakas nuwe bohe' pagdekdak-dekdakanin.
Someone has put tuwe-vine into the water where laundry is done.
To stun s.t. with tuwe-vine.
Tuwehun kesī dem kupung miya'an.
Stun the eel in that well with tuwe-vine.
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