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Energetic, active, industrious, aggressive, vigorous.
With a child it means that he grabs at everything and most likely destroys it. For an adult it means he/she steals things or if followed by a verb of activity that he/she is hard at work, being willing to do many things even if they seem quite unimportant to others.
Nakanak iyan tukid; iyu' eddo'ne kēmon bayu'an diyata' luma'in.
That child is aggressive; he grabs everything in the house.
A'a bahi' miya'an ga'i tapamettadan; iyu' tukid.
One cannot leave things around with that old person; she is aggressive (i.e. she steals).
Tukid kew isab magpatoket me' manik-manik diyata' badju'nu.
You are very industrious to fix all those beads onto your blouse.
Tukid iye maghinang me' ukil-ukil.
She is energetic in making all kinds of decorations.
To be able to do s.t. (having the ability and/or energy to do it).
Most often used with a negative and as passive construction.
Gey tatukid initung buwa' kayu miya'an, ekka manamal.
The fruit of that tree cannot be counted; there is very much.
Ga'i tatukid pinakan me' a'a si pagkawinanin pegge' ekka.
The people at the wedding cannot be fed because there are so many.
Tatukidku iyan ngitung. (Ta'itungku du iyan.)
I can count that. (I can count that.)
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