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Period of forty days after giving birth.
At the end of this time a special bath is given to the woman. Formerly it was done by the midwife, now she does it sometimes herself or an imam may perform it. 40 coconut shells of water are poured on her. If it is more than 40 days the exceeding number of days is added to the amount of water poured. For the forty days the woman is not allowed to worship or prepare food for a communal feast. She is not supposed to do heavy work. It is said that it would make her sick, i.e. the uterus might prolapse. She can cook if no one else is around to do it.
Puwas ne iye tipas.
She has already concluded the forty day period after giving birth.
Bakas ne iye mandi tipas.
She has had already the bath after the forty day period.
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