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N-, pa-, -um-
To remain, stay (in one place).
Gey iye teteg si dembuwa' lahat pegge' ekka lahatne.
He does not stay in one place because he has many places.
Behune teteg si luma' pegge' bahi' ne iye.
Only now does he stay at home because he is old already.
Bang niya' ne luma'te teteg ne pamikilten.
If one has a house one’s thoughts stay (in one place).
Pateteg kew hadja si dembuwa' lahat.
Just stay in one place.
Gey ku tumeteg si dembuwa' lahat pegge' ekka lahatku.
I don’t stay in one place because I have many places.
Neteg iye si luma'.
She stays at home.
tenna' t(um)attap
The place one stays at.
Ga' niya' kateteganne.
He has no place that he stays at. (He keeps moving about.)
N- -an
To stick with doing one thing (until it is finished).
Iye hadja teteganun hinangnu iyan.
Just stick with what you are doing.
Bang hinangku iyan netegan, daddali' du iyan ubus.
If I stick with that work, it will quickly be finished.
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