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A weight (to which chickens or birds are tied).
It is used to prevent them from getting away. It has to be small enough to be carried around a little.
Pahadjehun tangkal manuk-manuk iyan duk gey takole'ne mo'o palayang.
Make the weight on that bird larger so that it won’t be able to fly away with it.
N- -an, mag-
To put a weight on s.t. (to prevent it from getting away).
Tangkalanun tēguri'nun.
Put a weight on your kite.
Magtangkal manuk-manukne iye duk ga'i lumayang.
He puts a weight on his bird so that it won’t fly away.
Niya' nangkalan manuk-manukin pu'unne ga' lumayang.
Someone put a weight on the bird that’s why it didn’t fly away.
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