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Horn or antler (of an animal); flower spike (of a coconut palm in its sheath).
Taha' tanduk kābew iyan.
That carabao has long horns.
Mange ne tanduk payewin.
The antlers of the deer are forming branches.
Niya' ne tanduk lahing miya'an.
That coconut (palm) has a flower spike already.
To have horns.
Tandukan ne anak kābewkun.
My carabao calf has horns already.
N-, mag- (recip.)
To butt (with horns).
Da'a kew patapit si kābew iyan kaw kew tandukne.
Don’t go close to that carabao lest he butts you.
Nanduk kābew iyan.
That carabao butts.
Magtanduk kābewin.
The carabaos are butting each other (are having a fight).
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