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To be deprived of s.t.
Hangkan hep nakanak iyan kagkag pegge' tagga.
That child is skinny because he is deprived.
Nakanak iyan tagga si bāng-bāng.
That child has been deprived of cookies. (They were not available.)
To deny, restrain, restrict, curb (one’s own or someone’s wish, desire, appetite, or impulse).
Da'a kew nagga dīnu bang niya' du sīnnu.
Don’t restrain yourself if you have the money.
Taggane dīnen bang niya' kabaya'anne.
He restricts himself if he wants something.
Bang nakanak māku ine-ine bu gey inurungan we' sa'inen, tinagga gey inūtan.
If a child asks something and his mother does not give it, (his wish is) denied not indulged.
Tinagga we' sara' magjinahin.
To have an illicit sexual relationship is curbed by the law.
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