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Inverted, upside-down, be in reverse position.
Kahunitan dendehin nganak bang sunsang nakanakin.
The woman will have difficulty in giving birth if the child is in reverse position (i.e. breech position or feet first).
Sunsang pagtanemne kemunti' kayuhin.
She planted her cassava upside-down.
N-, mag-
For s.t. to run or lie in the opposite direction.
Kayu iyan bang petekka nunsang ohatnen.
Some of the fibers of this tree (run) in opposite direction.
Bang ka'am pabāk lu'u diyata' bangku' iyan magsunsang hadja ka'am.
When you lie down on that bed do it (with your heads) in opposite directions.
N-, mag-
To do or place s.t. in the opposite direction (from what it ought to be); do s.t. the wrong way round or upside-down.
Sunsangun bang saksapannu peyipa' iyan.
Do it in the opposite direction when you cut the leaflets off that midrib.
Magsunsang pagtanemne kamunti' kayuhin.
She did it the wrong way round when she planted cassava.
Hatu ubus loroy nakanak iyan oro'kun nunsang.
Perhaps that child swallowed my knife upside-down.
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