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A prop or support (to prevent s.t. from falling over).
Kayu inin hinangku suggu' luma'ku.
I will use this wood as a prop for my house.
N-, mag-
To prop up or support s.t. (as with a post pushed against s.t. at an angle).
Suggu'un luma'nun duk ga'i hebba'.
Prop up your house so that it won’t topple.
Tabanganku iye magsuggu' luma'ne.
I helped him to prop up his house.
Niya' ne nuggu' kayu sōng mahebba'in.
Someone is propping up the tree that is about to fall.
Da'a ne kew nuggu' sawe'nu pegge' sali' du ka'am suyad.
Don’t talk badly about your companion because you are just the same. (Lit. Don’t prop up your companion because you are equally leaning over.)
pa-, -um-, mag-
For s.t. to reach up to or touch s.t.
Pesuggu' kayuhin diyawa' lepohanne.
The wood reaches up to the underside of the stove.
I touch the crossbeam (under the house with my head) because I am tall.
Bang kami pabāk magsuggu' kōk kamihin.
When we lie down our heads touch.
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