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mag- (recip.)
To envy, view with envy.
Sisilne bulakkun pegge' ga' niya' si iye.
She views my land with envy because she doesn’t have any.
Niya' duwangan magpungtina'i bu luwal saki salihin. Pina'in we' sinisil ko' we' sakanen.
There are two siblings and the younger one is always sick. It is said that he is envied by his older sibling.
Bang patekka saki siye kaduwangan ubus pina'in magsisil ko' siye.
Sometimes both of them are sick, then one says (that) they envy each other.
N-, mag- (recip.)
To discredit s.o. (in order to get rid of him), libel, slander, speak ill of s.o.
Sinisil iye we' ku duk iye tumahala'.
I slandered her so that she had to leave.
A'a iyan luwal nisil sawe'ne.
That person always speaks ill of his companions.
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