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A wedge, a shim (any object (paper, wood, cloth) that is inserted to tighten s.t. loose).
Da'a ānanun sigsip gawang inin duk ga'i loka'.
Don’t remove this wedge from the door so that it won’t be loose.
N-, mag-
To stick s.t. into a space, insert s.t.
Sigsipanun eskoba iyan, iyu' loka'.
Stick s.t. into your broom; it is loose.
Bang beytu niya' sīnku nigsip ku diyalem leppi'an badju'ku.
When I have money I stick it into my folded clothes.
Magsigsip kāpan iye pegge' ekka lowang-lowangne.
He is inserting things into the floor because it has many holes.
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