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To be disintegrated, dissolved, reduced to ashes, be finished off (nothing left over).
Pupud ne seggit ineggaskun.
The rubbish I burnt is reduced to ashes.
Sabun iyan mura pupud.
That soap is easily dissolved.
N-, mag-
To finish s.t. off (completely).
Pupudun kinakan dem laley miya'an.
Finish the food on that plate.
He is there finishing off the rice in the pot.
Niya' mupud sabunkun.
Someone finished off my soap.
N-, mag-
To clean up (one’s plate).
Da'a kew magpupud-pupud, ekka pe kinakan.
Don’t clean up (your plate); there is still lots of food.
Tekkakun sasangne mupud-mupud kinakan dem laleynen.
I arrived while she was cleaning up the food on her plate.
For two to stay or stick together (until one of the two is finished off).
Said of two people until one dies; or about a person and his possessions or work.
Magpupudan ne kami duk kinelluku inin.
My weeding and I will stick together until one of us is finished.
You cannot divorce; stay together (i.e. remain married until one dies).
Kābewku inin ga'i pabellihanku, magpupudan ne kami.
I am not going to sell my carabao; we will stick together.
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