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The source, origin or beginning of s.t.; base (of a tree).
Such as the source of a river, foot of a mountain, beginning of a rumor.
Gey tasabutku bang ine bissānu iyan, ga' takaleku ku po'onnen.
I don’t understand what you are saying; I did not hear the beginning.
Ī' la'i pagtana'ankun si po'on punu ī'.
My rice field is there at the foot of that mountain.
La'i po'on bohe'in si lahatde.
The source of the river is there in their place.
Melli la'i ka'am si po'on pegge' mura bang la'i.
Buy it at the source because it is cheap there.
For s.t. to be or to be done at the base of s.t.
Papo'on kulisa'kun.
My nits are at the base (of my hair).
Papo'onun bang tebbengnu kayu iyan.
When you fell the tree do it at the base.
Capital (the beginning to start a business venture).
Bang niya' po'onanku mabaya' ku magtinda.
If I have the capital I would like to have a store.
The reason, cause for s.t.
We'ey kew magsaye, gana' udjung-po'onne.
Why are you laughing? There is no reason for it.
Ine udjung-po'onnen hangkan iye ngamā.
What is the reason for her being angry?
jān pu'un1
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