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Unprofitable; no profit gained or made; losing money (in a business transaction).
Bakas ku magdagang bu lugi' ku.
I traded and I made no profit.
Ga'i pabo'oku hap bodega lahingkun pegge' lugi' pe kuwe'itu.
I am not taking my coconuts to the bodega now because it is still unprofitable.
Ngalugi' ne me' daganganin.
The goods to be sold have become unprofitable.
+/- -an
To sell s.t. without profit.
Bang dagangannu biyabasnu iyan da'a palugi'anun.
When you sell your guavas don’t sell them without profit.
Palugi'un ne hadja pegge' magbagay du kite.
Sell it without profit because we are friends.
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