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-um- or -im-
To step into (a hole) accidentally.
Lumorok/limorok ku pegge' ga' takiteku lowangin.
I stepped into it because I did not see the hole.
N-, mag-
To poke s.t. into a hole.
Lorokun lowang iyan kaw niya' kāka'ne.
Poke (something in) that hole; perhaps there is a crab in it.
Maglorok lowang iye diyawa' batu.
He poked the hole under the stone.
Niya' bakas ngalorok kupungin, iyu' lubbeg.
Someone poked (around in) the well; it is muddy.
lossok lagpak1
-um- or -im-
To make a blunder.
Lumorok (limorok) ku pegge' kimmat ga' iye inakahan bu tasubahatku si iye.
I made a blunder because I intended not to tell it but I mentioned it to him.
To trick s.o. (into making a blunder).
Pinalorok ku we' ne, tilewne ku bu ine kew, kata'uhanne du.
I was tricked by him; he asked me when in fact he knew it.
A'a iyan basag luwal malorok sawe'ne.
That person always tricks his companions into making blunders.
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