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Easily breaking (into small pieces); crumbly; brittle.
These cookies are crumbly when eaten.
Kayu inin gey pagen hinang luma' pegge' lopok.
This wood is not strong (enough) for building a house because it easily breaks.
Lopok ne tapo inin we' ellewin.
This mat is brittle because of the sun.
N-, kumē- (repet.)
To crackle; creak (sound of s.t. brittle being chewed or moved).
Ngalopok dem behe bang tuwas jāhin.
It crackles in the mouth when the rice cake is hard.
Ngelopok tolangkun bang ku kuwat.
My bones creak when I stand up.
Kumēlopok bāng-bāngin bang papa'ne.
The cookies keep crackling when he chews them.
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