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For s.o. to be stopped, hindered, interrupted, or prevented (in his/her work).
Ga' ku itu' limpang. - Da'a ne kew limpang si kami.
I can’t be stopped (interrupted) now. - Don’t let us stop you (don’t be stopped by us).
Da'a ne kew limpang, hinangun ne hadja me' hinangnun.
Don’t let it stop you (lit. don’t be stopped), just do what you have to do.
To hinder or prevent s.o. (from doing s.t.).
Ga' ku tapitu ellew pamasannu akuhin pegge' ekka pe limpangku.
I wasn’t able to come here on the day you asked me to because much (work) prevented me.
Ekka mekelimpang aku.
Much (work) is hindering me (from doing something else).
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