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pa-, mag- -an (repet.)
For s.t. to be situated or to move off center, off to one side.
Lihi' (palihi') ne ellewin.
The sun is already to one side of (beyond) its zenith (i.e. it is past noon).
Da'a kew palihi' bang kew ngābew.
Don’t sit to one side when you ride on the carabao.
Da'a kew maglihi'an kaw kew sudda labo'.
Don’t keep moving off center lest you eventually fall.
Iyu' palihi' duwa'annun.
Your load (on the animal) moved off center.
For s.t. to have been sold, to be gone (in order to pay a debt).
Lihi' bulakkun pegge' mono' anakkun.
My land was sold because my child killed s.o. (I had to pay the debt.)
Lihi' sapi'nen pagdageyne.
His cow was sold for his gambling.
Lumihi' gallangkun pagbayed utang.
My bracelet was sold to pay a debt.
To sell s.t. (valuable), dispose of.
Bang ga'i umabut sīnnun pamellinu bulak malihi' ne kew sapi'nu iyan.
If your money is not enough to buy that land, sell that cow of yours.
Palihi'un ne kābewnu iyan.
Sell that carabao of yours.
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