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N-, mag-
To combine, join, connect s.t.; do s.t. consecutively; make the rounds (of various places).
Used of cutting several ears of rice in succession before placing them in the other hand in harvesting, do s.t. on consecutive days.
Lakkes iye magani, ilangkit-langkit hadja.
He harvests fast; he just combines (several stalks before placing them together in his left hand).
Bang iye magani ta'u iye ngalangkit.
When she harvests she knows how to combine (several stalks).
On two consecutive days she did not eat (lit. she combined two days of not eating).
Dende iyan bang nabu' langkitne tabu'anin.
When that woman goes marketing she makes the rounds of the markets.
Bang ku nabu' maglangkit tabu'an ku.
When I go marketing I make the rounds of the markets.
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