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N- -an, mag- redup. (repet.)
To kill (s.o. innocent).
Me' a'a miya'an, iye tarabahuden magla'ug-la'ug.
The work of those people is to kill (innocent people).
Da'a ka'am ngala'ugan sawe'bi bang ga' niya' dusene.
Don’t kill your companion when he has no sin.
La'uganne a'ahin diyata' tahik.
He killed the person on the sea.
(pa)patey 2
To be killed (in revenge).
The person killed had nothing to do with the original murder. The one killed may be a relative or just someone from the same place as the original murderer. It is done if the guilty person cannot be found.
Kala'ugan siye bu duma'in siye magkahinanganin.
They were killed but they were not the ones who had done the bad deed.
To be killed (in order to be robbed).
Ila'ugan siye diyata' tahik, ineddo' mākina pambotden.
They were killed on the sea, the motor of their pumpboat was taken.
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