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A spice bag.
It is a tiny cloth bag that contains fragrant substances. The bag is rubbed over the clothes so that they will smell good. in the 1970’s some old people were still using it. The spices are made of the leaves of 2 plants called kesubuk-subuk and katara-tara and the fruit of the gumbang. Sometimes the scrotum of a civet cat is used.
A'a bahi' miya'an magbo'o-bo'o laksi'.
That old person carried a spice bag with her.
To use a spice bag.
Laksi'anun ku duk ku bengngi.
Rub the spice bag on me so that I will smell nice.
Laksi'anun semmekin duk bengngi.
Use a spice bag on the clothes so that they will be fragrant.
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