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pa-, mag- (recip.)
To stretch out (the arm, any direction).
Pakulawat kew duk ta'abutnu kinakanin.
Stretch out (your arm) so that you can reach the food.
Kiteku siye ensini' magkulawat sōng magsasa'.
I saw them earlier stretching out (their arms) about to fight.
N-, mag-
To stretch (out the arm in order to reach s.t.), to reach for s.t.
Pitu ko' kew ngulawat dawen kamī (tangan-tangan) inin, gey ta'abutku.
Please come here (to get) this kamī leaf by stretching (your arm); I cannot reach it.
Bang kite palabey kuwe' buwa' marang, bu ga'i du langkew, ta'abutte du kinulawat.
If we pass by a marang fruit for example which is not high, we can reach it by stretching out (the arm).
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