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Supports (in a roof for tying the shingles nipa' on).
There are three beams forming the slope of a roof, one on either side and one in the middle kulung. Then three cross pieces are fixed to the beams, one near the top, one in the middle and one near the edge selilihan. Then strips of wood or bamboo, approx. 3 fingers wide are nailed to the cross pieces about 2 handspans or more apart kasew. The nipa' is tied onto these. If cogon grass is used to thatch the roof another layer of bamboo cross pieces lasag is nailed onto the kasew about one handspan apart. The cogon grass is folded over these lasag and tied.
Kajari ne sinapewan nipa' pegge' niya' ne kasewne.
The nipa can be put on now because the supports are already there.
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